Saturday 26 November 2022

Why Need High Impact Employee Training & Development.


02).Why Need High Impact Employee Training & Development.


Good training and development programs help the company retain the right people and grow profits. As the battle to hire top talent becomes more competitive, employee training and development programs are becoming more important than ever.

Hiring top talent takes time and money, and how the company engages and transforms that talent from the time they are first onboarded impacts the company’s retention and business growth.

·         Training, as defined in the present study “is the planned intervention that is designed to enhance the determinants of individual job performance” (Chiaburu &Teklab, 2005). Training is related to the skills an employee must acquire to improve the probability of achieving the organization’s overall business and academic goals and objectives. Positive training offered to employees may assist with reduction of anxiety or frustration, which most employees have experienced on more than one occasion during their


·         According to Tsai, Yen, Huang, and Huang (2007), employees who are committed to learning showed a higher level of job satisfaction that has a positive effect on their performance. Moreover, Locke defined job satisfaction as a pleasurable or positive emotional state resulting from a positive appraisal of the job or job experiences (Locke, 1976). The literature suggests that commitment results from adequate training and development for successful job completion and an increase in job performance (Tsai et al., 2007).


·         Whatever , poor performance reviews due to inadequate job training can produce employee dissatisfaction and conflict. Although there is no direct link in the literature between training and job satisfaction, Rowden and Shamsuddin (2000) and Rowden and Conine (2005) argue that the most thoroughly trained employees will better satisfy the needs of their customers and employees.



Chiaburu D. S., Teklab A. G. (2005). Individual and contextual influences on multiple dimensions of training effectiveness. Journal of European Industrial Training, 20, 282-290. Retrieved from

Tsai P., Yen C. Y., Huang L., Huang I. (2007). A study on motivating employees’ learning commitment in the post-downsizing era: Job satisfaction perspective. Journal of World Business, 42, 157-169.

Rowden R. W., Conine C. T. (2005). The impact of workplace learning on job satisfaction in small US commercial banks. Journal of Workplace Learning, 17, 216-230.


  1. I totally agree with your blog Pushpa. Training and development has surfaced as a major educational enterprise over the once three decades, this increase is associated with a demand in the plant for Employee at all situations to enhance performance in their present and future jobs to acquire skills and knowledge to do jobs, and to continue their career progress in a changing world (Somasundaram & Egan, 2004).

    1. Thanks for your comment Zacky. Good training and development programs help the company retain the right people and grow profits.Training, as defined in the present study “is the planned intervention that is designed to enhance the determinants of individual job performance” (Chiaburu &Teklab, 2005). Training is related to the skills an employee must acquire to improve the probability of achieving the organization’s overall business and academic goals and objectives. Positive training offered to employees may assist with reduction of anxiety or frustration, which most employees have experienced on more than one occasion during their

  2. Agreed on the content above Jayanthi. Furthermore, the techniques used to undertake training needs analysis include observation, surveys, interviews, focus groups, and documentation (Noe,2013). The training and development process involves four phases or processes, including the assessment of training requirements, the design of the training, the execution of the training, and the monitoring and evaluation of the training (Werner & Harris, 2002). However, as an argument in business environment, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) typically find it difficult to train their staff members due to a lack of funding (Echols, 2005) and a reluctance to release staff members during working hours for training (Macdonald, Assimakopoulos & Anderson, 2007).

    1. Thanks For your valuable comment .According to Tsai, Yen, Huang, and Huang (2007), employees who are committed to learning showed a higher level of job satisfaction that has a positive effect on their performance. Moreover, Locke defined job satisfaction as a pleasurable or positive emotional state resulting from a positive appraisal of the job or job experiences (Locke, 1976). The literature suggests that commitment results from adequate training and development for successful job completion and an increase in job performance (Tsai et al., 2007).

  3. Agreed on the information in you blog Pushpa, Training & development starts from the point an employee is recruited to a company. Induction program is commonly used to help new employees understand their job within the organization (Hendricks & Louw-Potgieter ,2012) . Rozner (2013) states induction training as a planned introduction of new employees to their jobs, co-workers, and culture of the organization. Researchers has found that employee performance depends on the knowledge obtained through induction programs & that it encourages employees to work as a team (Mchete & Shayo, 2020) which eventually contribute to the performance of the organisation,

    1. Thanks for your comment. Training, as defined in the present study “is the planned intervention that is designed to enhance the determinants of individual job performance” (Chiaburu &Teklab, 2005). Training is related to the skills an employee must acquire to improve the probability of achieving the organization’s overall business and academic goals and objectives. Positive training offered to employees may assist with reduction of anxiety or frustration, which most employees have experienced on more than one occasion during their

  4. Agreed, Employee Training and Developments has become a more influential way to the success of businesses. Therefore, Organisations should select right and most suitable training and development programs to achieve both short term and long-term objectives (Nda and Fard, 2013).

    1. Thanks Sarasi.Whatever , poor performance reviews due to inadequate job training can produce employee dissatisfaction and conflict. Although there is no direct link in the literature between training and job satisfaction, Rowden and Shamsuddin (2000) and Rowden and Conine (2005) argue that the most thoroughly trained employees will better satisfy the needs of their customers and employees.

  5. Good content Jayanthi. In addition, according to Maimuna and Rashad (2013), To boost organizational productivity, training has proved incredibly helpful. Employees are given the chance to digitally learn their occupations and perform more competently, which helps them become more resourceful and innovative. Consequently, boosting efficiency benefits both businesses and their employees.

    1. Thanks for your valuable comment. Further more according to Tsai, Yen, Huang, and Huang (2007), employees who are committed to learning showed a higher level of job satisfaction that has a positive effect on their performance

  6. Agreed. Employee training and development is one of the most important motivating factors used to help both the organization and its employees in achieving its goals and objectives. According to Nassazi (2013), some common benefits of employee training and development are to increase employee morale, lowers production cost and promotes a sense of security which as result reduces the turnover rate and absenteeism.

    1. Thanks Onita, Training, as defined in the present study “is the planned intervention that is designed to enhance the determinants of individual job performance” (Chiaburu &Teklab, 2005). Training is related to the skills an employee must acquire to improve the probability of achieving the organization’s overall business and academic goals and objectives.

  7. Good Atricle Pushpa Jayanthi, Some of these researchers argue that the recognition of the importance of training in recent years has been heavily influenced by the intensification of competition and the relative success of organizations where investment in employee development is considerably emphasized (Beardwell et al. 2004)

    1. Agree with your comment. According to Tsai, Yen, Huang, and Huang (2007), employees who are committed to learning showed a higher level of job satisfaction that has a positive effect on their performance. Moreover, Locke defined job satisfaction as a pleasurable or positive emotional state resulting from a positive appraisal of the job or job experiences (Locke, 1976). The literature suggests that commitment results from adequate training and development for successful job completion and an increase in job performance (Tsai et al., 2007).

  8. Thanks Farook. The literature suggests that commitment results from adequate training and development for successful job completion and an increase in job performance (Tsai et al., 2007).


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