Saturday 26 November 2022


 25th November 2022





Employee training and development refers to the continued efforts of a company to boost the performance of its employees. Companies aim for on-the-job training by using educational methods and programs. Employees are a company’s biggest asset, and investing in talent is vital to sustainable business growth and success. Many businesses go through lengthy processes to recruit and hire qualified and suitable candidates, but often the emphasis on caring about employees stops there. A company that’s time engaged in on-the-job training saw sales increase and profits double compared to the company likely has to workgroups that didn’t engage at all. Dedicated training and development foster employee engagement and engagement are critical to your company’s financial performance.

According to (Debra L.Truitt, 2011)  Any institution of higher learning or business whose goals are to survive and prosper in this present day diverse and regressed economy has found it imperative to invest in ongoing training and development to improve proficiencies in production as well as to acquire the greatest return in investment of human capital (Knoke & Kalleberg, 1994). Although this area of training effectiveness seems paramount, and although training is an integral part of the employer–employee relationship, Knoke and Kalleberg (1994) suggest direct evidence about company training practices based on representative samples of diverse employing organizations is almost non-existent. Furthermore, several authors have suggested that training is most extensive only in establishments which operate in complex market environments (Rowden & Conine, 2005Sahinidis & Bouris, 2008). In addition, Rowden and Conine (2005) indicate that there is limited research on human resource development in small and midsized businesses. According to these authors, most people believe that small businesses do little, if any, development of their workers. Moreover, Rowden and Conine cite Training Magazine, which annually conducts research on the training industry in the United States, as not even attempting to contact businesses with fewer than 100 employees.


* According to Tsai, Yen, Huang, and Huang (2007), employees who are committed to learning showed a higher level of job satisfaction that has a positive effect on their performance. Moreover, Locke defined job satisfaction as a pleasurable or positive emotional state resulting from a positive appraisal of the job or job experiences (Locke, 1976). 

* The literature suggests that commitment results from adequate training and development for successful job completion and an increase in job performance (Tsai et al., 2007).

* In addition, the larger the gap between the skills required to perform a task and the actual skills available for performing a task, the greater the lack of job satisfaction and the greater the increase in employee turnover within the organization. Conversely then, not having the skills to perform a job correctly can set up employees for failure and put the business at a less-than-competitive disadvantage. The resulting high turnover would predict the need for even more training that would then have a direct impact on the bottom line of any business.

* Moreover, poor performance reviews due to inadequate job training can produce employee dissatisfaction and conflict. Although there is no direct link in the literature between training and job satisfaction, Rowden and Shamsuddin (2000) and Rowden and Conine (2005) argue that the most thoroughly trained employees will better satisfy the needs of their customers and employees.



Rowden R. W., Conine C. T. (2005). The impact of workplace learning on job satisfaction in small US commercial banks. Journal of Workplace Learning, 17, 216-230.


Knoke D., Kalleberg A. L. (1994). Job training in U.S. organizations. American Sociological Review, 59, 537-546.


Sahinidis A. G., Bouris J. (2008). Employee perceived training effectiveness relationship to employee attitudes. Journal of European Industrial Training, 32, 63-76.


Tsai P., Yen C. Y., Huang L., Huang I. (2007). A study on motivating employees’ learning commitment in the post-downsizing era: Job satisfaction perspective. Journal of World Business, 42, 157-169.


Cheng E. W. L., Ho D. C. K. (2001). The influence of job and career attitudes on learning motivation and transfer. Career Development International,6, 20-27.


Holton E. F., Baldwin T. T. (2000). Making transfer happen: An action perspective on learning transfer systems. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 8, 1-6.



  1. Great introduction Pushpa, I would like to add some other view of training and development. According to Branham (2005) any effective company has training in place to make sure employees can perform his or her job. During the recruitment and selection process, the right person should be hired to begin with. But even the right person may need training in how your company does things. Lack of training can result in lost productivity, lost customers, and poor relationships between employees and managers. It can also result in dissatisfaction, which means retention problems and high turnover. All these end up being direct costs to the organization. .

    1. Thanks for your mention other idea. Moreover, poor performance reviews due to inadequate job training can produce employee dissatisfaction and conflict. Although there is no direct link in the literature between training and job satisfaction, Rowden and Shamsuddin (2000) and Rowden and Conine (2005) argue that the most thoroughly trained employees will better satisfy the needs of their customers and employees.

  2. Good topic Jayanthi, In addition..Training and development benefits individual employees through helping them make better decisions and effective problem solving, assisting in encouraging and achieving self-development and self-confidence, helping an employee a person handle stress, tension, frustration, and conflict, increasing job satisfaction and recognition and moving the person toward personal goals while improving interaction skills (Sims, 1990).

    1. Thanks for your valuable comments. According to Tsai, Yen, Huang, and Huang (2007), employees who are committed to learning showed a higher level of job satisfaction that has a positive effect on their performance. Moreover, Locke defined job satisfaction as a pleasurable or positive emotional state resulting from a positive appraisal of the job or job experiences (Locke, 1976).

  3. A planned and methodical effort made by an employee to perform well in a particular activity or range of activities is known as training (Ahmad and Bakar, 2003). Employee development provides employees with the skills needed for future employment and positions across the firm. (Hollenbeck, Gerhart and Wright, 2004).

    1. Thanks Ranga. Moreover, poor performance reviews due to inadequate job training can produce employee dissatisfaction and conflict. Although there is no direct link in the literature between training and job satisfaction, Rowden and Shamsuddin (2000) and Rowden and Conine (2005) argue that the most thoroughly trained employees will better satisfy the needs of their customers and employees.

  4. Agreed, Employee Training and Developments has become a more influential way to the success of businesses. Therefore, Organisations should select the right and most suitable training and development programs to achieve both short term and long-term objectives (Nda and Fard, 2013).

    1. Thank you Sarasi.According to Tsai, Yen, Huang, and Huang (2007), employees who are committed to learning showed a higher level of job satisfaction that has a positive effect on their performance. Moreover, Locke defined job satisfaction as a pleasurable or positive emotional state resulting from a positive appraisal of the job or job experiences (Locke, 1976)

  5. Agreed with the content. Further, Training is a component of education that relates to the learning process to acquire and enhance abilities outside of the official education system, where the time employed is relatively brief with approaches that stress skill enhancement (Anggereni, 2019). .

    1. Hi Prabuddha. Thanks for your comment .According to (Debra L.Truitt, 2011) Any institution of higher learning or business whose goals are to survive and prosper in this present day diverse and regressed economy has found it imperative to invest in ongoing training and development to improve.

  6. Agreed with the content Pushpa, however, I would like to add the difference in learning and training to the organization. Learning is the process by which a person constructs new knowledge, skills, and capabilities, whereas training is one of several responses an organization can undertake to promote learning (Reynolds et al, 2002). According to Armstrong (2009), The encouragement of learning makes use of a process model, which is concerned with facilitating the learning activities of individuals and providing learning resources for them to use. Conversely, the provision of training involves the use of a content model, which means deciding in advance the knowledge and skills that need to be enhanced by training, planning the programme, deciding on training methods, and presenting the content in a logical sequence through various forms of instruction.

    1. Thanks for your valuable comment.Moreover, poor performance reviews due to inadequate job training can produce employee dissatisfaction and conflict. Although there is no direct link in the literature between training and job satisfaction, Rowden and Shamsuddin (2000) and Rowden and Conine (2005) argue that the most thoroughly trained employees will better satisfy the needs of their customers and employees.

  7. Agree on your content and I would wish to add any institution of higher learning or business whose goals are to survive and prosper in this present day diverse and regressed economy has found it imperative to invest in ongoing training and development to improve proficiencies in production as well as to acquire the greatest return in investment of human capital (Knoke & Kalleberg, 1994). Although this area of training effectiveness seems paramount, and although training is an integral part of the employer–employee relationship, Knoke and Kalleberg (1994) suggest direct evidence about company training practices based on representative samples of diverse employing organizations is almost non-existent. Furthermore, training is most extensive only in establishments which operate in complex market environments (Rowden & Conine, 2005; Sahinidis & Bouris, 2008). In addition, Rowden and Conine (2005) indicate that there is limited research on human resource development in small and midsized businesses. According to these authors, most people believe that small businesses do little, if any, development of their workers.

    1. Thanks for your comments. According to(Tsai et al., 2007).In addition, the larger the gap between the skills required to perform a task and the actual skills available for performing a task, the greater the lack of job satisfaction and the greater the increase in employee turnover within the organization. Conversely then, not having the skills to perform a job correctly can set up employees for failure and put the business at a less-than-competitive disadvantage. The resulting high turnover would predict the need for even more training that would then have a direct impact on the bottom line of any business.

  8. Always a trained employee can contribute much more than a untrained employee. On the other hand training will increase the confidence and self motivation to employees which will result in better participation in work

    1. Thanks your mention. Moreover, poor performance reviews due to inadequate job training can produce employee dissatisfaction and conflict. Although there is no direct link in the literature between training and job satisfaction, Rowden and Shamsuddin (2000) and Rowden and Conine (2005) argue that the most thoroughly trained employees will better satisfy the needs of their customers and employees.

  9. Agreed on the content above. As such, a new employee should participate in a variety of training exercises to get ready for their upcoming responsibilities inside the organization. All other personnel should receive regular training at the same time (Bogatova, 2017). As per Williams and Hunter (1991), training in management development can improve the professionalism, self-worth, and job happiness of new employees.

    1. Thanks for your comment. According to Tsai, Yen, Huang, and Huang (2007), employees who are committed to learning showed a higher level of job satisfaction that has a positive effect on their performance.

  10. Good introduction. Employee training and development can be a challenging task for many leaders of an organization. Jehanzeb & Bashir (2013) stated that organizations are investing more $120 billion in a year on employee training and development. The investment comprises diverse content areas such as compliance, mandatory, managerial, supervisory, executive development, customer services, sales, interpersonal skills and many more.

    1. Thanks for your comment Onita. According to Rowden and Conine (2005) indicate that there is limited research on human resource development in small and midsized businesses. According to these authors, most people believe that small businesses do little, if any, development of their workers. Moreover, Rowden and Conine cite Training Magazine, which annually conducts research on the training industry in the United States, as not even attempting to contact businesses with fewer than 100 employees.

  11. Great article Pushpa, I agreed the content and to add furthermore, training is the crucial area of human resource management; it is the fastest growing segment of personnel activities. Training which is referred to as a course of diet and exercise for developing the employees’ effective, cognitive and psychomotor skills assist the organizations to have a crucial method of developing the employee towards enhancing his productivity (Ezeani & Oladele, 2013). Moreover, according to Devi & Shaik (2012). Training and development are complementary parts of the same process. They are interconnected and interdependent, rather than sequential and hierarchical. Training and development is very crucial to the employees, the organization and their effectiveness.

    1. Thanks Sanath. Employees are a company’s biggest asset, and investing in talent is vital to sustainable business growth and success. Although this area of training effectiveness seems paramount, and although training is an integral part of the employer–employee relationship, Knoke and Kalleberg (1994) suggest direct evidence about company training practices based on representative samples of diverse employing organizations is almost non-existent. Furthermore, several authors have suggested that training is most extensive only in establishments which operate in complex market environments (Rowden & Conine, 2005; Sahinidis & Bouris, 2008). In addition,

  12. Great article Pushpa, Furthermore, Armstrong (2009) claimed that organizations might gain from training and development by gaining the "hearts and minds of their employees" in order to persuade them to identify with the company, put more effort into furthering its goals, and stay with it. As part of an overall human resource management strategy that will hopefully result in individuals being motivated to perform, training and development are the procedures of investing in people so they are prepared to perform successfully (McDowall & Saunders 2010).

  13. Thanks for your comment Ann. According to Tsai, Yen, Huang, and Huang (2007), employees who are committed to learning showed a higher level of job satisfaction that has a positive effect on their performance. Moreover, Locke defined job satisfaction as a pleasurable or positive emotional state resulting from a positive appraisal of the job or job experiences (Locke, 1976).

  14. I agree. Efforts on employee training and development demonstrate that organizations are capitalizing not only on high potential employees but also on individuals who can commit to achieving higher levels of responsibility. According to Feldman (as cited by Jehanzeb and Bashir, 2013), this requires emotional agreement, meaning that the organization and individuals will partner in achieving long-term commitment through career advancement and training opportunities


  08).Per­for­mance Man­age­ment   Per­for­mance man­age­ment is the con­tin­u­ous p...