Saturday 3 December 2022

05).Employee motivation on Employee Performence


05).Employee Motivation on Employee Performance


Motivation is one of the integral elements that help a man succeed and achieve his personal goals. A motivated individual can chart a course to success and eventually self-development. Whenever such an individual works on something impossible, he puts in his heart and soul to make it possible. Besides his skills, knowledge, and experience, his motivation also plays a vital role in this endeavor. It is for this reason; companies and organizations take their employees motivation very seriously. According to a study conducted by (Grant, 2008) motivation imposes employee outcomes for instance performance and productivity.  He  also  established  that  motivated  employees  are  more  oriented  towards autonomy and are  more self-driven in contrast to less  motivated employees. Further,  motivated employees are highly  engaged  and  involved  in  their  work  and  jobs and  are  more  willing  to  take  responsibilities  (Kuvaas & Dysvik, 2009)Organizations in this dynamic globalized world are continuously trying to develop and motivate their employees  to  help  achieve  enhanced  performance  with  various  Human  Resource  applications  and  practices. Reward management system is the highly used practice for the enterprises to achieve the desired goals (Güngör, 2011).  According  to  (Baber, 1992)and  Bertz  (2000),  Reward  management  system  helps  the  organizations  to  attract, capture, retain and motivate employees with high potential and in return get high levels of performance. Reward management  system  consists  of  both  extrinsic  and  intrinsic  rewards where  former  involves  financial  rewards (salary,  bonus  etc)  and  the  later  includes  non-financial  rewards  like  recognition,  security,  title,  promotion,, appreciation, praise, decision making involvement, flexible working hours, workplace comfort ability, feedback, work design, social rights etc (Yang, 2008)


An intrinsic reward is an intangible award of recognition or a sense of achievement motivation, in any endeavor when one feels in the Maslow’s hierarchy as attainment in conscious satisfaction. It is the knowledge that  one  did  something  right,  or  one  made  some  body's  day  better.  Hence  reward  management  systems (specifically  intrinsic  rewards)  positively  motivate  employees  and  ultimately  affect  their  individual and organizational performance. Pool and Pool (2007) and Lok and Crawford (2004) argue that there is an inevitable link  between  motivation  and  job  satisfaction  and  motivation  with  commitment  off  employees.  Similarly perceived  training  effectiveness  is  highly  correlated  with  the  job  satisfaction  of  employee,  supporting  the findings of Tsai et al, 2007).




Employee Performance



Employee performance is how a member of staff fulfills the duties of their role, completes required tasks and behaves in the workplace. Measurements of performance include the quality, quantity and efficiency of work.

·         Performance  of  the  employee  is  considered  as  what  an  employee  does  and  what  he  doesn’t  do.  Employee performance involves quality and quantity of output, presence at work, accommodative and helpful nature and timeliness of output. According to the results of the study conducted by (Yang, 2008) on individual performance showed  that  performance  of  the  individuals  cannot  be  verified.  Similarly  he  asserts  that  organizations  can  use direct bonuses and rewards based on individual performance if employee performance is noticeable (Yang, 2008). In line with (Yang, 2008), Bishop (1987) investigated employee performance and revealed that acknowledgment and  recognition  and  reward  of  performance  of  employees  direct  the  discrimination  between  employee productivity. Moral and productivity of employees is highly influenced by the effectiveness of performance of an organization and its reward management system (Yazici, 2008)

·         To satisfy customers, firms do much effort but do not pay attention on satisfying employees. But the fact is that customer would not be satisfied until and unless employees are satisfied. Because, if employees are satisfied,  they  will  do  more  work  therefore  ultimately  customers  will  be  satisfied  (Ahmad 2012) Employee performance  is  actually  influenced  by  motivation  because  if  employees  are  motivated  then  they  will  do work with more effort and by which performance will ultimately improve (Azar, 1972)and (Shafighi,A 2013)




·         Ahmad,  M.  B.,  Wasay,  E.,  &  Malik,  S.  U.  (2012). Impact  of  Employee  Motivation  on  Customer  Satisfaction: Study  of  Airline  Industry  in  Pakistan, Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business, 4(6), 531-539.

·         Chen, Y., Lou, H., 2002. Toward an understanding of the behavioral intention to use a groupware application. Journal of End User Computing 14, 1–16.

·         Deci,  E.L.  and  Ryan,  R.M.  (2000),  “The  ‘what’  and  ‘why’  of  goal  pursuits:  human  needs  and  theself-determination of behaviour”, Pshychological Inquiry, Vol. 11 No. 4, pp. 227-68Lovelock,

·         C.H. (1996), Services Marketing, Prentice-Hall. Edirisooriyaa, W. A., 2014. Impact of Rewards on Employee Performance:With Special Reference to ElectriCo.. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Management and Economics,, pp. 311-318.

·         Kuvaas, B. and Dysvik, A. (2009), ‘‘Perceived 􀀀nvestment in Employee Development, intrinsic Motivation and Work Performance’’, Human Resource Management Journal, 19(3), pp. 217–236.

·         M  &  Shafighi,  A.    (2013).  The  Effect  of  Work  Motivation  on  Employees’  Job  Performance:   International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, Vol. 3, No. 9 ISSN: 2222-6990.


  1. Good article and agreed. Motivation impacts employee performance and as a result directly affects organizational commitment (Asim, 2013). When employees are motivated it inspires them to be more creative and loyal which leads to an increase in employee performance.

  2. Thanks for your comment Onita. Employee performance is actually influenced by motivation because if employees are motivated then they will do work with more effort and by which performance will ultimately improve (Azar, 1972)and (Shafighi,A 2013)


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