Saturday 3 December 2022

06).Employee's Workplace Environment On Employee Performance

 06).Employee’s Workplace  Environment on Employees Performance.

Working Environment

The work environment is “Everything that is around the worker and that can affect him in carrying out the tasks assigned”. The working environment consists of two broader dimensions such as work and context. Work includes all the different characteristics of the job like the way job is carried out and completed, involving the tasks like task activities training, control on one’s own job related activities, a sense of achievement from work, variety in tasks and the intrinsic value for a task. Many research papers have focused on the intrinsic aspect of the job satisfaction Results have shown that there is a positive link between work environment and intrinsic aspect of the job satisfaction. Further they described the second dimension of job satisfaction known as context comprises of the physical working conditions and the social working conditions (Sousa-Poza & Sousa-Poza, 2000; Gazioglu & Tanselb, 2006; Skalli, Theodossiou, & Vasileiou, 2008


Spector (1997) observed that most businesses ignore the working environment within their organization resulting in an adverse effect on the performance of their employees. According to him, working environment consists of safety to employees, job security, good relations with co-workers, recognition for good performance, motivation for performing well and participation in the decision making process of the firm. He further elaborated that once employees realize that the firm considers them important, they will have high level of commitment and a sense of ownership for their organization.


Different factors within the working environment such as wages, working hours, autonomy given to employees, organizational structure and communication between employees & management may affect job satisfaction (Lane, Esser, Holte, & Anne, 2010). Arnetz (1999) argue that in organizations, can be observed that mostly employees have problems with their supervisor who is not giving them the respect they deserve. Supervisors also show harsh behaviours to employees due to which they are not comfortable to share good and innovative ideas with their supervises. Furthermore, he describes that top management limits employees to their tasks rather than creating asense of responsibility in employees by making them work in teams to attain high performance.


Employee Performance      

The idea of employee performance denotes the accomplishments of an individual in a work situation. Performance is linked to involvement in meaningful activity, working with understanding colleagues and employers, and a feeling of being engaged (Karakas, 2010). For Bishop (1987), employee performance denotes the results of the work done by a particular worker. Soomro et al., (2018) add that employee performance is the result of what an employee develops, with the anticipation of compensation. It is the success or general result of the outcome of the efforts of an individual during a defined time of responsibility in comparison to the work's criteria or targets which are defined in advance (Rivai, 2004). Work performance can be divided into three dimensions (Figure 1). The first dimension is task performance. This kind of performance comprises of work explicit behaviours which could incorporate important job responsibilities which the employee and employer agree to in the job description (Pradhan & Jena, 2017). For task performance, mental ability is required, and the responsibility is mainly facilitated via task awareness, task talent, and task practice (Conway, 1999). The second kind is known as adaptive performance. This consists of eight dimensions as listed below:


Figure 1. The Triarchy Model of Employee Performance Source: (Pradhan & Jena, 2017)

Performance or also called job performance or actual performance or level of performance, which is the level of employee success in completing work. According to Colquitt Lupine and Wesson quoted by Widow in Performance Management (2015: 2) Performance is the value of a series of behaviors that contribute, both positively and negatively, to the completion of organizational goals. Performance is “A depiction of the level of achievement of the implementation of a program of activities or policies in realizing the goals, objectives, vision, mission, organization as outlined in an organizational strategic planning Moeheriono (2012: 95)

Job Satisfaction

Many businesses fail to understand the importance of working environment for employee job satisfaction and thus face a lot of difficulties during their work. Such organizations are internally weak therefore unable to introduce innovative products into the market to outshine their competitors (Aiken, Clarke, & Sloane, 2002). Employee is an essential component in the process of achieving the mission and vision of a business. Employees should meet the performance criteria set by the organization to ensure the quality of their work. To meet the standards of
organization, employees need a working environment that allows them to work freely without problems that may restrain them from performing upto the level of their full potential.


According to Vroom (1964) Job satisfaction is an orientation of emotions that employees possess towards role they are performing at the work place. Job Satisfaction is the essential component for employee motivation and encouragement towards better performance .Many people has defined job satisfaction over the years. Hoppok & Spielgler (1938) defines job satisfaction as the integrated set of psychological, physiological and environmental
conditions that encourage employees to admit that they are satisfied or happy with their jobs .Further, the role of employees at workplace is emphasized as there is an influence of various elements on an employee within the organization.

Bakotic & Babic (2013) found that for the workers who work under difficult working conditions, working condition is an important factor for job satisfaction, so workers under difficult working conditions are dissatisfied through this factor. To improve satisfaction of employees working under difficult working conditions, it is necessary for the management to improve the working conditions. This will make them equally satisfied with those who work under normal working condition and in return overall performance will increase.




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  1. Employee recruitment, selection, and assessment has been for many years and still remains one of the most prominent and important areas of research and practice in organization’s enviornemnt (Ryan & Ployhart, 2014) and Dealing traditionally with the successful attraction, assessment, selection and onboarding of employees in an organization, it has always been a critical and expensive operation in every organization Markey et al. (2012) stated that the work environment is the foremost element impacting the turnover intentions of employees or their decision of staying in the organization.

    1. Thanks for your valuable comment. According to Spector (1997) observed that most businesses ignore the working environment within their organization resulting in an adverse effect on the performance of their employees. According to him, working environment consists of safety to employees, job security, good relations with co-workers, recognition for good performance, motivation for performing well and participation in the decision making process of the firm. He further elaborated that once employees realize that the firm considers them important, they will have high level of commitment and a sense of ownership for their organization.

  2. Agreed. further to that working environment and conditions impact both the mental and physical work on employees. Therefore, organizations should move to creating a safe working environment and culture (Rodriguez & Walters, 2017)

  3. Thanks Onita. Further different factors within the working environment such as wages, working hours, autonomy given to employees, organizational structure and communication between employees & management may affect job satisfaction (Lane, Esser, Holte, & Anne, 2010).

  4. Very informative Pushpa. In addition to this, Kohun (1992), defines working environment as an entirely which comprises the totality of forces, actions and other influential factors that are currently and, or potentially contending with the employee’s activities and performance. Working environment is the sum of the interrelationship that exists within the employees and the environment in which the employees work.

    1. Thanks For your comment Manodya. The work environment is “Everything that is around the worker and that can affect him in carrying out the tasks assigned. Further more Many research papers have focused on the intrinsic aspect of the job satisfaction Results have shown that there is a positive link between work environment and intrinsic aspect of the job satisfaction. Further they described the second dimension of job satisfaction known as context comprises of the physical working conditions and the social working conditions (Sousa-Poza & Sousa-Poza, 2000; Gazioglu & Tanselb, 2006; Skalli, Theodossiou, & Vasileiou, 2008


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